Hi. I am Denis Semenov. ✌

I am a Frontend Developer located in Munich, Germany.

Key Competence

Expert in web development with 10+ years of experience in Frontend development and UI/UX design. Utilizing an eye for detail and cutting-edge design knowledge, I aspire to create modern, fast and responsive user interfaces that are effective for achieving business objectives. I aim to leverage my expertise by developing innovative ideas that drive engagement and conversion. My experience in project management, design, marketing and event-management enhances my client-oriented approach in solving various problems in delivering IT projects and achieving business goals.

Last Projects

  • Fly Media Marketing - Digital Agency Website
    Stack: Next.js, Tailwind.css
    Developed a sleek and modern website for Fly Media Marketing, highlighting their expertise in marketing and SMM. The site features a detailed team introduction, comprehensive service descriptions, and various service package offerings, enhancing their online presence and client engagement.
  • Anna Rozhkova Personal Website
    Stack: Next.js, Tailwind.css
    Developed a sophisticated, animated personal presentation website for a Senior Project Manager. The site features a detailed CV, project portfolio, and photo gallery, all in a polished, business-oriented style. It is multilingual and print-friendly, ensuring a seamless user experience.
  • ROD Car Service - Multilingual Website
    Stack: WordPress, Bootstrap, Custom theme
    Created an informative, multilingual landing page for an auto repair service specializing in both passenger and commercial vehicles. The site includes detailed service descriptions, company information, and extensive contact details to ensure a seamless customer experience.
  • Billiards Club "Legenda"
    Stack: Webflow
    Designed a modern website for a billiards club featuring a booking form, detailed service descriptions, and information about club zones and hosted events. This ensures an engaging and user-friendly experience for all visitors.
  • Fabo Studio - Dance Studio Website
    Stack: WordPress, Bootstrap, Custom theme
    Crafted a vibrant and user-friendly website for a dance school, featuring class schedules, instructor bios, and an interactive gallery. The design ensures easy navigation and an engaging user experience for all visitors.
  • Export favorite lists from Ya.Music to Spotify
    Stack: JavaScript, PHP, Spectre.css
    Developed a user-friendly and modern app to simplify the migration of playlists between popular music services. The sleek website features an intuitive interface and a detailed guide, ensuring seamless transfer of your favorite tracks.
  • Shopify Online Store ZNWR
    Stack: Next.js, Custom SCSS, Shopify Storefront API
    Created an ultra-stylish, minimalist online store for a conceptual premium clothing brand, integrated with Shopify. The site features sleek visuals, intuitive navigation, and a sophisticated user experience, perfectly embodying luxury and high fashion.


Hard Skills

  • JavaScript & TypeScript
  • Git, GitHub, GitLab
  • Bootstrap, Tailwind.css
  • Vue.js + Vuex + Vuetify
  • React + Redux
  • Next.js
  • Node.js, npm/yarn
  • Webpack/Gulp, eslint, prettier
  • Cross-browser Compatibility
  • Responsive Design
  • Mobile-friendly development
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Third-party API integration
  • Web Performance Optimization
  • Graphics and media optimization
  • Project management & coordination
  • Agile & Scrum Development
  • Testing and Debugging
  • Code Review
  • Adobe (Xd, Ps, Il, Lr, ID)

Soft Skills

  • Meticulous attention to details
  • Problem solving and critical thinking
  • Adaptability and flexibility
  • Teamwork and collaboration
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Technical thinking and decision making
  • Self-motivation and discipline
  • Continuous learning and improvement


Frontend Developer



  • After completing work at CROC on a major document management system, where I applied Vue.js, Vuex and Vuetify, I directed my efforts towards further education and exploration of other popular modern frameworks, creating web projects based on them.
  • Developed a custom headless online-store theme with Next.js and Shopify Storefront API (GraphQL) using fully customized SASS for a unique design, avoiding dependency on CSS frameworks. The project is hosted on Vercel for optimal accessibility and performance.
  • Created a personalized multi-lingual static web CV using Next.js and Tailwind CSS to emphasize professional skills.
  • Created a music band blog using WordPress and Bootstrap.
  • Developed a static site for a billiard club using Vue.js and Vuepress.
  • Utilized npm or yarn consistently for package management, with code version control on GitHub.
  • Developed a TypeScript web project to simplify the migration of favorites lists from Yandex.Music to Spotify (with additional reverse migration functionality under development).
  • Set up and maintained web servers on nginx, migrating to RockyLinux due to CentOS EOL for system stability and security.

Frontend Developer

Croc Inc. (System Integrator & IT Consulting)


  • Designed, developed and implemented the web interface for the highly scalable enterprise customer system application within a document management system.
  • Held responsibility for both UI/UX design of the application, as well as the frontend development of crucial components using Vue.js, Vuetify and Vuex.
  • Created a widely used template form framework to significantly accelerate and simplify the creation and maintenance of the complex system used for filtering and editing user requests in the customer portal.
  • Took responsibility for frontend workload planning during my last year on the project.
  • Business results: actively implemented component unification and templating, which significantly optimized project resources and accelerated creation of new sections, forms and data tables, as well as processing backend responses on the frontend and saving data via API.
  • Special achievement: created ≈100 interface prototypes in a short time as a UI/UX designer, and then migrated those design prototypes to Vue.js+Vuetify with demo data on a tight deadline, leading to an offer to continue working as a Frontend developer on the project.
  • Special Achievement: successfully used this project as a base to create adapted individual customized sales pitches for other clients and other company projects, resulting in new contracts for CROC.

Fullstack Web Developer



  • Successfully implemented more than 50 corporate, eCommerce and personal projects.
  • Used vanilla JavaScript, integrating various JS libraries (jQuery, Lodash, Underscore.js, etc.) to quickly develop user-friendly interfaces and CSS frameworks (Bootstrap, Material, Spectre, etc.) to ensure responsive design and cross-browser compatibility.
  • Developed, supported, troubleshooted and refined web projects based on popular CMS platforms (WordPress/WooCommerce, Opencart, Joomla, Drupal, Webflow) to improve functionality, speed, usability, and user experience.
  • Actively participated in the development of both proprietary and third-party plugins for popular CMS and open-source projects.
  • Translated projects from Figma, Adobe XD/PS/Il and Sketch layouts to pixel-perfect HTML layout to guarantee high-quality design implementation in accordance with modern Web Standards.
  • Collaborated with Backend developers, designers, analysts, and other team members using best practices such as Code Review, Git, CI/CD, Agile, Scrum, etc. to prototype effective interfaces, integrate web services and third-party APIs, design and develop mobile-friendly and responsive websites.
  • Created custom Bootstrap themes for WordPress using Gulp and Webpack to optimize time and complexity of development, making it easy to create multi-page sites for a rapid start.
  • Set up and maintained web/proxy/VPN/backup/file servers as well as integrated related infrastructure and services required for efficient business operations, including mail servers, email distribution systems, IP telephony, call-tracking, Wi-Fi network setup, CMS integration with CRM and inventory control systems.

IT Project Manager & Web Developer

Public Fund «World Of Youth»


  • Transitioned career from event and project management to UX/UI design, web development and IT services.
  • Led development of the website for the competition of innovative architectural projects "ArchObraz" (custom CMS on PHP).
  • Led development of the website for the largest youth social advertising project "New Vision" (custom CMS in PHP).
  • Participated in the creation of a thematic digital magazine "We are young parents", where I was responsible for design and layout (Adobe InDesign).
  • Updated the official website of the company "World of Youth" and migrated the database from noname-CMS to Wordpress.
  • Led IT development at a friendly advertising agency where I developed and implemented an authentication system in WI-FI networks of institutions to display advertisements of our projects and those of partners.

Event & Project Manager

Croc Inc. (System Integrator & IT Consulting)


  • Organized and successfully conducted more than 100 marketing events to present and promote the company's solutions and services at major industry and partner events (seminars, conferences, round tables, forums), which promoted direct contact of our employees with potential customers of the company at the top management level.
  • Regularly prepared financial plans and approved various project documentation (including contracts, invoices).
  • Trained employees participating in events, instructed and supervised their work during events.
  • Comprehensively analyzed results and created reports for management with detailed presentations of performance metrics for activities performed.
  • Special achievement: launched a series of business events for the top management of potential customers of the company not related to IT to search and implement new projects in the industry; during the exhibition of exotic cars organized Segway races for our target audience with the involvement of potential customers; organized business events at the museum of rare cars "Autoville", at the State Museum of Oriental Art; co-organized the rock festival "CROC-ROCK".

Market Research Interviewer



  • During my university studies, I participated in user testing and market research for companies such as Mitsubishi, Hyundai, OBI and others. I was involved both in direct interviews with the target audience and in coordinating the work of other interviewers. For car manufacturers, closed audience research was conducted to study potential demand for car models that will be released on the domestic market only in a few years.

Certificates & Courses

  • Codecademy
  • Udemy
  • Coursera
  • Hexlet
  • Skillbox
  • Geekbrains
  • Agile project management
  • SCRUM Master (Scrum.org)



  • Russian State University for The Humanities
    B.Sc. in marketing data and analytics (GPA: 2,0)
  • High School (Lyceum) No. 26
    Advanced maths, commerce and economics classes. Participation and victories in maths Olympiads and open classes in marketing and economics.

Pet Projects

  • Created and implemented the Smart Home concept in a country house and 2 city apartments. I regularly improve Smart Home usage scenarios and keep up to date with IoT innovations.
  • Applied Python programming skills to automate the promotion of social media accounts. Currently applying Python to work with pet projects in the field of artificial intelligence (AI).